vscode plugin
- marp:
Basic Guidelines
- Start collecting information early.
- Structure and refine your information
- Prepare your key message and your outline.
- Why are they there?
- What are their expectations?
- How much do they know about the topic you will be presenting?
- How big will the audience likely be?
- Read newspapers and magazines
- Do online research
- Collect data through surveys
- Analyze data
- Watch presentations others have done on the topic
- Organize your information.
- Discard information that’s not relevant.
3. Prepare your key message and your outline
- What is your key message?
- What is the number one thing you want the audience to walk away with?
- Create your outline
Basic guidelines for professional slides
- Limit the amount of text on each slide
- Check spelling mistakes
- Use visuals (graphics, pictures and videos)
- Use animations selectively - use for empasis only
- Use colors with high contrast